1 Kings 19 11 And He said, Go out and stand on the mount before the Lord. And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains and broke in pieces the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake;12 And after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire [a sound of gentle stillness and] a still, small voice.13 When Elijah heard the voice, he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of the cave. And behold, there came a voice to him and said, What are you doing here, Elijah?
This is so amazing God. First of all, Elijah knew Your voice. Secondly, that You weren't in the strong wind, or the earthquake, or the fire, You were in the still, small voice. I think that's how I know You too. You are the calm voice, the quiet voice. Joyce Meyer said that Satan yells, and you are the small voice. I know you by your peace, joy and laughter too. Throughout the day, things come up that just make me laugh, and I see You in that, I hear Your laughter too.
Holy Spirit, Jesus, I want so much to be a child of God, to be very close to You, to be taught what You want me to know. I believe You have told me repeatedly that the time is short and there is much to learn. Help me to submit to You and Your will. Help me to quit wasting time doing things I should not be doing, and doing instead what You want me to do. Help me to know and understand. Help me to trust You and rely solely on You. I feel such a longing deep down in my soul, that I don't fully understand, but I know it's for You.
Also, thoughout the day, when I think of You, the first thing I think of is thankfulness, praise and worship. I know that You have brought that about and I'm grateful. However, after thinking of some things I'm grateful for and sending praise Your way, I get distracted. Help me to stay on track and bring everything to You. Thank You that You are with me at all times. I love to feel You close by and in my soul. Help me to talk to You the way I should.
I am also so very thankful that You have helped me to read Your Word daily. I thank You SO much that You had Dr. J. Vernon McGee do the 5 Years Thru the Bible radio program and that it is available freely on the web. I have learned so much from him. I started 1st John last night and am a bit sad, I feel like I will be leaving a close real friend soon. The thought came to me, that after I finish the 90 Days Whole Bible program, that maybe I can do a 6 month, or a year plan and also listen to Dr. McGee's commentary on that section? I pray that You let me know what You want me to do next. I also thank you for the 90 Day Whole Bible Plan. It's only about an hour listen each day, but it's nice to be going so quickly through it, especially since I've been listening to Dr. McGee's commentary for a while now. I wish I knew when I started it, but I guess that You would let me know if I'm supposed to. I've been going slower and slower though, because I don't want it to end, but if You want me to start over, then that will take care of that, won't it? :)
Lord, I ask that you help me with my foot and my hand. Ever since I got electrocuted, um was that last week or the week before? I'm thinking the week before, well ever since they have really been hurting, even more so than anything else, which I think is saying something. I am a bit concerned, although I guess if there is damage, it's too late now and probably nothing can be done, at least from a Western Medicine point of view, however You can do anything, at any time, if You want to. Please guide me the direction You want me to go.
Also, when I last saw my PCP, she said that Western Medicine is failing me and suggested that I check into some other things, like acupuncture, or reflexology, etc. I am a bit interested, but also, don't want to waste our money on unnecessary things. Of course my comfort isn't necessary, but You know what I mean. Sometimes my pain and exhaustion are just so very overwhelming. And frustrating. There is so much that I would like to do. I know that You will give me exactly what I need to do Your will, which doesn't mean that it will be easy or that it won't take every iota of strength, endurance and everything else I've got. Great, now I'm getting weepy. Which is another thing, when I get so tired, I often get weepy, or worse, that I get depressed and hopeless. I'm so sorry that I succumb to that. This summer I have done better than I have in a long, long time. I no longer think about when that changes and I go the other way, because it will be when it is. You have been teaching me so much, like to speak of things as if they are, having a positive outlook, watching what I speak so as to give power to what I want to bring about, not what I don't. You have been trying to teach me patience, which ironically is something I can remember You working on all my life. I also have been interested in doing a Characteristic/Attribute study on You, to better know You. If You wish that to happen, lead me Lord.
Today my new social worker came. Of course I saw my old one only once and for the first time last month. I remember when I was talking to the new one, when I realized that once again, there's no help for me. There was a moment that I succumbed to frustration and hopelessness, but then I felt You. You reminded me that You are always there for me and that You will take care of me. I really wish that I could care less about how clean my house is, Please help me. I wish that I wasn't concerned when I wonder how I'm going to see the doctor and not feel like it's a great exercise in Herculean Strength for me, leaving me overwhelmingly drained. I'm sorry that I do. I'm trying to give it all to You and just trust. Please, please help me?
Thank You that sometimes people notice that I have a positive attitude. Of course that isn't me, it's You. I do have so very much to be grateful for! I have a roof over my head, that to my knowledge we aren't worried about a great possibility of losing. While I wish I could have food delivered through Meals on Wheels, clearly I'm not lacking, my scale told me that this morning! :) Thank You so much for my critters and for my service dog Toby. They bring me great joy. Thank You unknown millions of times for my husband, the man who helped me learn about Your love, because of his great love for me. I pray once again, that he will come to know and love You beyond comprehension. That he will accept You as his savior. I pray for my kids and kids-in-laws. I wish I had taught them more about Who You really are. I'm sorry that I didn't. Help them to really know, understand and accept Your saving grace. Thank You for giving me compassion for Mutt Lee. I believe You have told me that he will only be with us until October. Help us to cope when that happens.
Thank You that I have so many resources to know You. www.youversion.com has been such a wonderful resource and I am really enjoying listening to Your Word on there. Thank You that I've been able to provide my favorite bible for a few people. Please help them to feel You and Your desire for them to read. Dr. McGee said that you can't help but fall in love with You if we read Your Word, and the more we fall in love with You, the more we want to read Your Word. Amen!
Your Word reminds me of when a child learns math. At first, they learn how to count and what numbers look like. Then they learn how to add and subtract with them. Then multiplication, etc. It's all math, but each year, new knowledge layers onto old to teach more and more. Your Word is like that. There are so many nuances, sometimes I can see it this way, then later, see the same passage another way, building onto what I know, You teach me something else about it. Wow. Thank You so very much for giving me the Holy Spirit and that I'm learning so much. Some passages, like John 1:1, are so very deep, that I know I can't fully understand them now, but pray that I will know in the Spirit. When I think of Your teaching, all I can think is Wow! What a gift for words, eh? But I feel so very, how to put it into words, such awe, love, thankfulness, so many emotions that I can't even put words to. Just Wow. You are an awesome God.
Thank You that You have made a bridge so that I can know You. That Jesus came here, died and was resurrected so I can spend eternity with You. That the Spirit is with me always guiding me. Thank You that You love me. Me. A worthless person, who has value, only because of You.
"He is the First and the Last, Beginning and the End, the Keeper of Creation and the Creator of All, the Architect of the Universe and the Manager of All Times, He Always Was, Always Is and Always Will Be Unmoved, Unchanged and Undefeated and Never Undone, He was Bruised and Brought Healing, He was Pierced and Eased Pain, He was Persecuted and Brought Freedom, He was Dead and Brought Life, He is Wisdom (? 3:15) and brings Power, He Reigns and Brings Peace, The World Can't Understand Him, the Armies Can't Defeat Him, Schools can't explain Him and the Leaders Can't Ignore Him, Herod Couldn't Kill Him, Pharisees Couldn't Confuse Him, People Couldn't Hold Him, Nero Couldn't Crush Him, Hitler Couldn't Silence Him, New Age Can't Replace Him, and Oprah Can't Explain Him Away. He is Life, Love, Longevity, and more, He is Goodness, Kindness, Gentleness and God. He is Holy, Righteous and Holy. He is Mighty, Powerful and Pure. His Ways are Ways are Right, His Words Eternal and His Will is Unchanging, and His Mind is on me. He is my Redeemer, my Savior, my God, and He is my Peace, He is my joy, my comfort, He is my Lord and He Rules my Life,"
Jesus Throughout the Bible
Salem Lutheran Church
Jack Stockton, December 5, 2010